We have released OpenBGPD 8.3, which will be arriving in the
OpenBGPD directory of your local OpenBSD mirror soon.

This release includes the following changes to the previous release:

    * bgpd 8.1 and 8.2 could send a bad COMMUNITY attribute when
      non-transitive ext-communities are present. A workaround is to
      add a filter rule to clear non-transitive ext-communities:
            match to ebgp set ext-community delete ovs *
      This fix is included in OpenBSD 7.4.

    * Fix a possible fatal error in the RDE when "announce add-path send all"
      is used. The error is triggered by an ineligible path which is wrongly

    * Fix selection of the local nexthop for the alternate address family.
      This is used by 'announce IPv6 unicast' over an IPv4 session or

OpenBGPD-portable is known to compile and run on FreeBSD and the
Linux distributions Alpine, Debian, Fedora, RHEL/CentOS and Ubuntu.
It is our hope that packagers take interest and help adapt OpenBGPD-portable
to more distributions.

We welcome feedback and improvements from the broader community.
Thanks to all of the contributors who helped make this release